This carrd will show you how to stream on YouTube properly. Please follow and read through all the rules carefully!
10:00AM KST ~ 12:00NN KST
8:00PM KST ~ 10PM KST
After thorough research, we have concluded that manual streaming is the best method to use, so please mostly do the first method!
Please DM us if you want to translate our guide into your language--we will include your translations in this carrd. :)
1. Go to on a browser or use the YouTube app. Then, LOG INTO YOUR ACCOUNT.
2. Using the search bar, look for the “Where the sea sleeps” MV.
3. Click on the video. Play the entire video in normal speed and at 480p quality or HIGHER. Any volume is acceptable AS LONG AS THE VIDEO ITSELF IS NOT MUTED (You can use headphones).
4. Watch 3-4 other videos after you finish watching. Change the kind of videos you watch after each session (You can watch DAY6 MVs/content or even unrelated videos and short clips to make your streaming pattern less suspicious).
Use 1 YouTube account per device. Connect to different internet connections per device and/or stream in other locations to vary your IP address. Do NOT use multiple accounts for 1 IP address. Do NOT connect multiple devices to 1 internet connection.Like the MV AFTER watching the video (not before).NEVER exit YouTube while the MV is playing. Click on another video, THEN close the app/tab.Do NOT use playlists during the first 24 hours of the video's release.Watch short ads and skip the ads that are longer than 15 seconds (This is just to show human behavior while streaming).Turn off autoplay.Comment and engage with other users, but do NOT spam the comments section; censor the words 'vi3ws' and 'str3am' when commenting.DO NOT USE EMOJIS IN YOUR COMMENTS (The views will freeze).Do NOT clear your history.Do NOT replay or loop the MV.Do NOT use incognito mode.Do NOT watch any lyric and reaction videos.Do NOT stream on multiple tabs at once.Do NOT watch the MV for more than 3-4 times in 1 hour.
Get a 1 month free trial! You can use YouTube Premium to make streaming easier (multitask, watch shorter videos in between, less likely to be perceived as a bot, etc).If you see the MV as a recommendation, please always click on it! That way, it will appear on more people's recommendation pages.Always watch embedded links of the MV on different articles and websites!Share the MV LINK on all social media platforms; encourage people to stream or watch the video.Do NOT re-upload the MV anywhere else.
WARNING: Please do not use this method excessively. Although it is an effective way to gain views, YouTube tends to delete a percentage of views from embedded links (They are still connected to your YouTube account). PLEASE ALTERNATE BETWEEN MANUAL AND EMBEDDED LINK STREAMING REGULARLY.
This works best on a desktop/computer.
Play all the videos in at LEAST 480p quality and normal speed until the very end (Volume can be any level as long as it's not muted). If you're using a desktop, you can stream all the videos. If you're on mobile, please play the videos one at a time--unless your device can multitask!Do NOT switch or close the tab while the videos are playing (Avoid using other apps while streaming; if you really need to, please wait until the video is at least past the 1-minute mark).Wait until ALL of the videos are totally finished playing before moving on.Do NOT refresh the same tab after playing all the videos. Instead, open a completely new, separate tab.